I am a 5th-year PhD candidate in Computer Science at the University of Virginia (UVA), where I am advised by Dr. Matthew Dwyer. I am a member of the UVA LESS lab.
My research interests lie in software testing, automated program repair, and the application of AI/ML in Software Engineering. I received my master’s in Computer Science from UVA and my undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Engineering from BUET.
For more details, please find my CV.
- Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Virginia
Thesis: Assessing and Improving Critical Properties of Test Oracles for
Effective Software Bug Detection
- M.S., Computer Science, University of Virginia
Project: TOGLL: Correct and Strong Test Oracle Generation with LLMs
- B.S., Computer Science and Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Thesis: Balanced Coverage in Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting for Wireless Multi-hop Networks
- May 2024: Received my master’s in CS from UVA with a CGPA of 4.0/4.0! [gallery]
- May 2024: Defended my PhD dissertation proposal, titled “Assessing and Improving Critical Properties of Test Oracles for
Effective Software Bug Detection” with flying colors! [gallery]
- April 2024: Attended ICSE’24 in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal, and presented my paper at the doctoral symposium [gallery]
- April 2024: Honored to be selected as one of the five finalists at UVA Research Computing Exhibition 2024!
- April 2024: My paper Deep Dive into Large Language Models for Automated Bug Localization and Repair is accepted at FSE’24 Research Track.
- December 2023: My paper Ensuring Critical Properties of Test Oracles for Effective Bug Detection is accepted at the ICSE’24 Doctoral Symposium.
- December 2023: Attended and presented our paper at FSE’23 (Dec 3-9) in San Francisco, CA [gallery]
- October 2023: Honored to receive Student Choice Research Award at CS Department Research Symposium 2023.
- July 2023: Our paper Neural-Based Test Oracle Generation: A Large-scale Evaluation and Lessons Learned is accepted at the FSE’23 research track.
- June 2023: Started summer internship with AWS Code Guru team in Santa Clara, CA.
- May 2023: Presented our paper at ICSE’23 in Melbourne, Australia [gallery]
- May 2023: Received the John A. Stankovic Outstanding Graduate Research Award [gallery]
- April 2023: Attended CRA Grad Cohort in San Francisco, CA [gallery]
- February 2023: Our research artifact is accepted at the ICSE Artifact Evaluation Track.
- December 2022: Our paper on Measuring and Mitigating Gaps in Structural Testing is accepted at the ICSE’23 technical track.
- May 2022: Started summer internship with AWS Code Guru team in Seattle, WA.
- May 2022: Received CS Department Outstanding Graduate Service Award [gallery]
- April 2022: Attended ICSE’22 in Pittsburgh.
- December 2021: Received Outstanding Research Poster Award at CS Research Symposium.
- December 2021: Organized CS Department Research Symposium, News, Tweet.
- September 2021: Passed the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam with flying colors!
- April 2021: Attended the CRA-W Grad Cohort Workshop 2021 (virtual due to COVID-19).
- February 2021: Started working as a TA for graduate compilers (CS 6620) by Prof. Matt Dwyer.
- August 2019: Started Ph.D. in CS at the University of Virginia.
- May 2019: Left my job at Reve Systems.
- March 2016: Started working as a software development engineer at Reve Systems.
- March 2016: Graduated from BUET.